Project Description

Neoclassical Style marble mantelpieces fireplaces wall house design

Neoclassical Style marble mantelpieces fireplaces wall house design

NO.: AKM-(d207)
MATERIAL: Natural Marble / Stone / Granite
USAGE: Indoor & Outdoor, etc


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Mantelpieces fireplaces Details:

These neoclassical marble mantelpiece fireplaces are great choices for home space. Carved by hand from natural marble, these mantelpiece fireplaces have the romance of Greek and Roman elements but also have professional meticulous craftsmanship. From the picture, you can see that the marble used in this mantel is of high quality, warm as jade, and brings some warmth to the atmosphere of the home. The sides feature intricate Greek and Roman-style figure reliefs, adding a touch of classical elegance. This mantelpiece surround boasts a detailed molding adorned with delicate relief patterns. Above the fireplace, you’ll find beautifully carved flowers and cherubs, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. This mantelpiece is not only visually captivating but also a testament to the finest detailing and artistic design, perfect for elevating your home’s interior.

Neoclassical Style marble mantelpieces fireplaces wall house design

Neoclassical Style marble mantelpieces fireplaces wall house design